Alzheimer’s Disease and PQQ

PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) is a potent antioxidant that has been found to protect the heart and brain from damage caused by oxidative stress. It has been shown to be effective in repairing the damage caused by strokes, and is also known to boost memory and cognition. In addition, researchers have found that PQQ can protect the brain from the harmful effects of mercury.

The neuroprotective effect of PQQ is thought to be caused by its ability to prevent the formation of alpha-synuclein proteins. Alpha-synuclein is a protein that accumulates in the brain in Alzheimer’s patients. Aside from helping to protect the brain from damage, it can also boost brain blood flow, and promote the growth of new mitochondria.

PQQ is also thought to have a preventive role in Parkinson’s disease. It is believed that the neuronal pathway involved in this disease is disrupted by a mutation in the DJ-1 gene. While further research is needed, preliminary clinical studies have been encouraging.

Researchers have discovered that the neuroprotective properties of PQQ can be amplified by the supplementation of CoQ10. Together, PQQ and CoQ10 have improved cognition and memory in healthy older adults.

Animal models of Alzheimer’s disease have provided researchers with excellent opportunities to study the etiology of the disease. Studies of these animals have found that a number of transgenes are present in a small percentage of cases. Using these transgenic ratones to study Alzheimer’s disease has allowed scientists to evaluate the effects of different drugs, as well as beta-amyloid and tau pathologies.