What is Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)?

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a molecule that is used by human enzymes. It is a precursor to NAD+, which is a coenzyme involved in metabolism. The body can use NAD+ to metabolize glucose and fatty acids. This is important because it helps maintain a constant level of energy. NMN can also promote a healthier vascular system.

NMN is found in many fruits and vegetables. Research studies have shown that it improves insulin sensitivity, cholesterol levels, and brain function. However, the benefits of NMN are not yet fully understood. In recent clinical trials, it was shown to be safe and effective.

NMN can also help prevent the development of diabetes and can protect the heart. Some preliminary studies have indicated that NMN may be able to treat coronavirus-related cytokine storms.

NMN has been shown to be helpful for the skin, eyes, and skeletal muscles. Studies have also shown that NMN supplementation improves blood sugar sensing in skeletal muscle, which is linked to better metabolic health.

NMN can be taken in capsules, lozenges, and powder. Powders need to be broken down in the intestines before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. A recent clinical trial in Japan showed that NMN is safe and effective when taken in this manner.

NMN is a safe and effective precursor to NAD+. Studies suggest that increasing NMN levels in the body may help slow aging and improve metabolic disorders.

Preliminary studies have shown that NMN may reverse menopause. Researchers have also discovered that NMN may be able to protect the heart through autophagy.