Pyrroloquinoline Quinone and CoQ10

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is a vitamin-like nutrient that is found in certain plant-based foods. In fact, PQQ is considered a super antioxidant that protects our vital organs. It also improves heart and brain health.

The antioxidant properties of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone are comparable to those of ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and hydrazine. It helps to support redox reactions and improve mitochondrial function, all of which can lead to cellular energy.

While most supplements contain only a small amount of PQQ, those that combine CoQ10 with it can provide a multifaceted benefit. PQQ can stimulate growth and development of new mitochondria, which increases the speed of energy production in the body. This means that the two substances can work synergistically to improve your overall brain and heart health.

PQQ can also prevent damage caused by free radicals, which is important to healthy living. This is because mitochondria are responsible for producing ATP, which is essential to virtually all cellular functions. Without adequate ATP, virtually all cellular functions would be diminished. However, it is not known whether or not the PQQ-CoQ10 combination is effective in increasing ATP production.

Moreover, if you are on statin drugs, taking PQQ may help to counteract the harmful effects that they can have on the body. Statins are often used to treat high cholesterol and other cardiovascular disorders, but the side effects of these medications can have serious impact on the heart and nerves. So, if you take these drugs, supplementing with CoQ10 is especially important.

PQQ has been found to increase the speed of ATP production in mitochondria. This is important because cellular energy production is based on the rate at which the mitochondria can produce ATP. Since the efficiency of mitochondrial biogenesis is decreased as we age, having sufficient ATP is necessary for healthy cells.

Although there are many benefits to taking Pyrroloquinoline Quinone and CoQ10, more research is needed to determine their individual benefits. Currently, there are only a handful of clinical trials for both compounds. Those that have been published include the studies of a human double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in Japan in 2009.

The other study conducted in mice suggests that CoQ10 can be beneficial in managing chronic heart failure. Those that took CoQ10 experienced less pain and better symptoms after a period of treatment.

Some studies have also shown that PQQ can improve cognitive function. This is because it can stimulate the development of a protein called PGC-1a. PGC-1a plays a role in regulating the formation and growth of mitochondria. Additionally, PQQ enhances the ability of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) to help nerve cells grow.

In addition to the above mentioned benefits, a combination of PQQ and CoQ10 has been shown to boost energy production in the cells, preventing cell damage. For example, CoQ10 and PQQ have been found to enhance the speed and efficiency of cellular energy production in the brain. They also work together to protect the body against free radicals.