CoQ10 Ubiquinol PQQ and the Quinine Connection

CoQ10 and PQQ offer a powerful one-two punch when it comes to boosting the production of energy in the body. They work to reduce oxidative damage to cells, which can lead to neurodegeneration. In addition, they may help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. These two compounds are also thought to reduce fatigue and headaches, which can be caused by chronic stress.

Both CoQ10 and PQQ have been studied for their potential effects on brain health. Interestingly, they act independently of vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties.

CoQ10 is an important cofactor in mitochondria, which is often referred to as the “powerhouse” of the cell. This metabolic pathway produces energy through a series of complex processes. The electron transport chain is one of these processes. As a result, CoQ10 is essential for its proper function.

There is evidence that CoQ10 may also reduce inflammation. Researchers have found that CoQ10 can help to alleviate angina and migraines. It may also be beneficial for heart failure, as well as infertility in men.

PQQ has been shown to improve learning in animals. It is believed that PQQ helps to maintain memory function by blocking oxidative damage to the nervous system. It is also thought to promote the growth of the mitochrondria, which are the cells that produce energy.

PQQ can also be found naturally in some foods. Green tea and leafy vegetables contain it, as does fermented soy product natto. However, its levels in these sources are much lower than those in supplements.