The Difference Between NAD+ and NMN

NAD+ and NMN play a major role in energy production within the body. They both bind with proteins in the body to help energize the cells.

As you age, your NAD+ levels may decline. Studies have shown that boosting your NAD+ level helps protect your heart and maintains healthy cardiovascular energy levels. It can also increase your cognitive function.

Although more studies are needed, preliminary findings are promising. Researchers believe that further down the NAD+ pathway, the effects become more powerful.

The benefits of NMN are largely mediated by its ability to promote the biosynthesis of NAD+. This can improve metabolic function, prevent muscle atrophy, and enhance the performance of brain cells.

NMN is readily absorbed through the gut wall and enters the bloodstream within 15 minutes. Increasing hepatic NAD+ concentrations can also benefit cardiac health and reduce oxidative stress.

NMN has shown promising pharmacological activities in many preclinical disease models. These include Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, obesity, and cardioprotection.

Recent clinical trials have also revealed the safety of NMN. In Japan, a recent trial demonstrated that NMN was well-absorbed into the body and had no adverse effects. Various companies are working on developing NMN. NMN supplementation has been shown to be a safe and effective way to boost NAD+ levels.

There are several companies that are researching the potential of NMN as an anti-aging and neuroprotective agent. Several animal studies have shown positive results.

Some scientists believe that NMN may be a useful treatment for a coronavirus-caused cytokine storm. However, there are no head-to-head studies available to confirm this.